We just wanted to thank everyone for letting us know how their puppies are doing. We have added all of their updates under our owner and companion page also. Thanks for the updates.
Just a quick update on Maya. I have included a photo as well. i will send more when I get them downloaded.
She is an awesome dog. She does think the world revolves around her (partly because we let her!). She has gone "walking" in the woods with me and has witnessed some duck kills. She has fun and is not intimidated by the guns at all. Looking forward to next year!!!!
(Maya is out of Gunner and Sky)
Hey Roxane,
I figured I would send some pictures your way of Leica, it has been an eventful year for the little guy and I figured I would fill you in on how he is doing….Training wise he is fantastic he picks up on things so fast, and when we are done running or training he knows that when he comes inside the house he relaxes. As you well know he will be one year old this week and before he turned 1 between ducks, geese and pheasants he has made 384 retrieves! I don’t know if it is weird to keep track of your dogs retrieves but I think it is kinda fun and I have them documented in a spread sheet, with the date, location, weather conditions and so on to make me a better hunter as well. He has a drive that doesn’t quit we just got home from a 4 day long pheasant trip to western North Dakota and he went hard all 4 days, and learned some very important things from my 8 year old yellow lab…I could not be happier with my dog every hunt he gets better and better and makes each hunt more enjoyable for me! Makes me want to get another one right now, but I better hold off until next year at least because we are expecting our first baby in May and I think a new puppy and baby would be a little stressful on Leica man. You guys breed great dogs!

Leica is out of Shadow and Gunner
We just wanted to thank Luke's owner for sending in pictures of him and Luke out hunting. Luke's owner has told us that he is doing great and that he is very happy with him.
Luke is out of Gunner and Sky
We just wanted to thank Jeannine on Benny's update. She has told us that he has now graduated from therapy dog training. She says he is doing very well and cannot wait to get started in his new work.